Please feel free to e-mail me with your own webpage link. Please link back to me and have my link on your site when you send the e-mail notice. I ALWAYS link back (to unoffending sites) as long as they link to me.
Certain webpages will not be accepted: sites with hentai on them, hate shrines, etc. (offending sites)

If your page was listed here before, and now it isn't, it is probably because you were supposed to link back to me and never did. I do check those things, you know.

Linking to Kinryouku

Please feel free to use any of these banners below to link to me :) If you choose to link to me, please send me a notice so I may link back to you and expand my links page. If you send me an e-mail to link to me, please have my banner / text link on your links page within two days (or preferably before you send the e-mail) or I may end up deleting your link. Also please do not link directly to these images, load them onto your own webspace.

Angel Sanctuary Links

Blown Away
- A shrine to Raphael.

Hier gehts zur neuen Topliste
Kato's 100

Alexiel-sama's Angel Sanctuary RPG
- An Angel Sanctuary RPG.

Gloomywing - a shrine to Angel Sanctuary
Gloomy Wing
- Angel Sanctuary site with lots of general information :)

Angel Sanctuary Personality Test - An Angel Sanctuary personality test! Go here to find out which character in AS you're most like :)

Watashi no Rekka - A Mika fan site

Anime / Manga Links

Anipike - if you haven't been here you probably live in a cave :p and I have no idea how you got here.
- Riven's site ^^ Lots of stuff here! :D

Thrift Shop Superstar : Shrine to Tamahome
- KawaiiMiaka's shrine to Fushigi Yuugi's Tamahome!

Friends' Links

Otaku's Wet Dream - My best friend Kendra's site!

Other Links - er, yeah :D livejournal!

Inspired Insanity - a site containing some art, poems, and stories.